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Delphi Sources

Несколько функций для TStream

Оформил: DeeCo

 These are three utility functions to write strings to a TStream. 
 Nothing fancy, but I just ended up coding this repeatedly so 
 I made these functions. }

 Hier sind einige TStreaam Hilfsfunktionen um strings 
 in einen TStream zu schreiben. 

 unit ClassUtils;



 {: Write a string to the stream 
   @param Stream is the TStream to write to. 
   @param s is the string to write 
   @returns the number of bytes written. }
 function Writestring(_Stream: TStream; const _s: string): Integer;

 {: Write a string to the stream appending CRLF 
   @param Stream is the TStream to write to. 
   @param s is the string to write 
   @returns the number of bytes written. }
 function WritestringLn(_Stream: TStream; const _s: string): Integer;

 {: Write formatted data to the stream appending CRLF 
   @param Stream is the TStream to write to. 
   @param Format is a format string as used in sysutils.format 
   @param Args is an array of const as used in sysutils.format 
   @returns the number of bytes written. }
 function WriteFmtLn(_Stream: TStream; const _Format: string;
   _Args: array of const): Integer;


 function Writestring(_Stream: TStream; const _s: string): Integer;
   Result := _Stream.Write(PChar(_s)^, Length(_s));

 function WritestringLn(_Stream: TStream; const _s: string): Integer;
   Result := Writestring(_Stream, _s);
   Result := Result + Writestring(_Stream, #13#10);

function WriteFmtLn(_Stream: TStream; const _Format: string;
   _Args: array of const): Integer;
   Result := WritestringLn(_Stream, Format(_Format, _Args));

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