Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)ADO is part of a bigger picture called Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). MDAC is an umbrella for Microsoft's database technologies and includes ADO, OLE DB, ODBC, and RDS (Remote Data Services). Often you will hear people use the terms MDAC and ADO interchangeably, but incorrectly. Because ADO is only distributed as part of MDAC, we talk of ADO versions in terms of MDAC releases. The major releases of MDAC have been versions 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, and 2.6. Microsoft releases MDAC independently and makes it available for free download and virtually free distribution (there are distribution requirements, but most Delphi developers will have no trouble meeting them). MDAC is also distributed with most Microsoft products that have database content. Delphi 7 ships with MDAC 2.6. There are two consequences of this level of availability. First, it is highly likely that your users will already have MDAC installed on their machines. Second, whatever version your users have, or you upgrade them to, it is also virtually certain that someone—you, your users, or other application software—will upgrade their existing MDAC to the current release of MDAC. You can't prevent this upgrade, because MDAC is installed with such commonly used software as Internet Explorer. Add to this the fact that Microsoft supports only the current release of MDAC and the release before it, and you are arrive at this conclusion: Applications must be designed to work with the current release of MDAC or the release before it. As an ADO developer, you should regularly check the MDAC pages on Microsoft's website at www.microsoft.com/data. From there you can download the latest version of MDAC for free. While you are on this website, you should take the opportunity to download the MDAC SDK (13 MB) if you do not already have it or the Platform SDK (the MDAC SDK is part of the Platform SDK). The MDAC SDK is your bible: Download it, consult it regularly, and use it to answer your ADO questions. You should treat it as your first port of call when you need MDAC information. OLE DB ProvidersOLE DB providers enable access to a source of data. They are ADO's equivalent to the dbExpress drivers and the BDE SQL Links. When you install MDAC, you automatically install the OLE DB providers shown in Table 15.1:
In addition to these MDAC OLE DB providers, Microsoft supplies other OLE DB providers with other products or with downloadable SDKs:
MDAC includes many providers that I'll discuss, but many more are available from Microsoft and from the third-party market. It is impossible to reliably list all available OLE DB providers, because the list is so large and changes constantly. In addition to independent third parties, you should consider most database vendors, because the majority now supply their own OLE DB providers. For example, Oracle supplies the ORAOLEDB provider.
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