Delphi Programming Guide
Delphi Programmer 

Menu  Table of contents

Part I - Foundations
  Chapter 1 – Delphi 7 and Its IDE
  Chapter 2 – The Delphi Programming Language
  Chapter 3 – The Run-Time Library
  Chapter 4 – Core Library classes
  Chapter 5 – Visual Controls
  Chapter 6 – Building the User Interface
  Chapter 7 – Working with Forms
Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 8 – The Architecture of Delphi Applications
  Chapter 9 – Writing Delphi Components
  Chapter 10 – Libraries and Packages
  Chapter 11 – Modeling and OOP Programming (with ModelMaker)
  Chapter 12 – From COM to COM+
Part III - Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 13 – Delphi's Database Architecture
  Chapter 14 – Client/Server with dbExpress
  Chapter 15 – Working with ADO
  Chapter 16 – Multitier DataSnap Applications
  Chapter 17 – Writing Database Components
  Chapter 18 – Reporting with Rave
Part IV - Delphi, the Internet, and a .NET Preview
  Chapter 19 – Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
  Chapter 20 – Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
  Chapter 21 – Web Programming with IntraWeb
  Chapter 22 – Using XML Technologies
  Chapter 23 – Web Services and SOAP
  Chapter 24 – The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
  Chapter 25 – Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
  Appendix A – Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
  Appendix B – Extra Delphi Tools from Other Sources
  Appendix C – Free Companion Books on Delphi
  List of Figures    
  List of tables    
  List of Listings    
  List of Sidebars  

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WebSnap and Databases

Delphi has always shone in the area of database programming. For this reason, it is not surprising to see a lot of support for handling datasets within the WebSnap framework. Specifically, you can use the DataSetAdapter component to connect to a dataset and display its values in a form or a table using the AdapterPageProducer component's visual editor.

A WebSnap Data Module

As an example, I built a new WebSnap application (called WSnapTable) with an AdapterPage-Producer as its main page to display a table in a grid and another AdapterPageProducer in a secondary page to show a form with a single record. I also added to the application a WebSnap Data Module, as a container for the dataset components. The data module has a ClientDataSet that's wired to a dbExpress dataset through a provider and based on an InterBase connection, as shown here:

object ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet
  Active = True
  ProviderName = 'DataSetProvider1'
object SQLConnection1: TSQLConnection
  Connected = True
  ConnectionName = 'IBLocal'
  LoginPrompt = False
object SQLDataSet1: TSQLDataSet
  SQLConnection = SQLConnection1
  CommandText =
object DataSetProvider1: TDataSetProvider
  DataSet = SQLDataSet1

The DataSetAdapter

Now that you have a dataset available, you can add a DataSetAdapter to the first page and connect it to the web module's ClientDataSet. The adapter automatically makes available all of the dataset's fields and several predefined actions for operating on the dataset (such as Delete, Edit, and Apply). You can add them explicitly to the Actions and Fields collections to exclude some of them and customize their behavior, but this step is not always required.

Like the PagedAdapter, the DataSetAdapter has a PageSize property you can use to indicate the number of elements to display in each page. The component also has commands you can use to navigate among pages. This approach is particularly suitable when you want to display a large dataset in a grid. These are the adapter settings for the main page of the WSnapTable example:

object DataSetAdapter1: TDataSetAdapter
  DataSet = WebDataModule1.ClientDataSet1
  PageSize = 6

The corresponding page producer has a form containing two command groups and a grid. The first command group (displayed above the grid) has the predefined commands for handling pages: CmdPrevPage, CmdNextPage, and CmdGotoPage. The last command generates a list of numbers for the pages, so that a user can jump to each of them directly. The AdapterGrid component has the default columns plus an extra column hosting Edit and Delete commands. The bottom command group provides a button used to create a new record. You can see an example of the table's output in Figure 20.10 and the complete settings of the AdapterPageProducer in Listing 20.2.

Click To expand
Figure 20.10: The page shown by the WSnapTable example at startup includes the initial portion of a paged table.
Listing 20.2: AdapterPageProducer Settings for the WSnapTable Main Page
Start example
object AdapterPageProducer: TAdapterPageProducer
  object AdapterForm1: TAdapterForm
    object AdapterCommandGroup1: TAdapterCommandGroup
      DisplayComponent = AdapterGrid1
      object CmdPrevPage: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'PrevPage'
        Caption = 'Previous Page'
      object CmdGotoPage: TAdapterActionButton...
      object CmdNextPage: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'NextPage'
        Caption = 'Next Page'
    object AdapterGrid1: TAdapterGrid
      TableAttributes.CellSpacing = 0
      TableAttributes.CellPadding = 3
      Adapter = DataSetAdapter1
      AdapterMode = 'Browse'
      object ColCUST_NO: TAdapterDisplayColumn
      object AdapterCommandColumn1: TAdapterCommandColumn
        Caption = 'COMMANDS'
        object CmdEditRow: TAdapterActionButton
          ActionName = 'EditRow'
          Caption = 'Edit'
          PageName = 'formview'
          DisplayType = ctAnchor
        object CmdDeleteRow: TAdapterActionButton
          ActionName = 'DeleteRow'
          Caption = 'Delete'
          DisplayType = ctAnchor
    object AdapterCommandGroup2: TAdapterCommandGroup
      DisplayComponent = AdapterGrid1
      object CmdNewRow: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'NewRow'
        Caption = 'New'
        PageName = 'formview'
End example

There are a couple of things to notice in this listing. First, the grid's AdapterMode property is set to Browse (other possibilities are Edit, Insert, and Query). This dataset display mode for adapters determines the type of user interface (text or edit boxes and other input controls) and the visibility of other buttons (for example, Apply and Cancel buttons are only present in the edit view; the opposite is true for the Edit command).


You can also modify the adapter mode by using server-side script and accessing Adapter.Mode.

Second, I modified the display of the commands in the grid using the ctAnchor value for the DisplayType property instead of the default button style. Similar properties are available for most components of this architecture to tweak the HTML code they produce.

Editing the Data in a Form

Some of the commands are connected to a different page, which will be displayed after the commands are invoked. For example, the edit command's PageName property is set to formview. This second page of the application has an AdapterPageProducer with components hooked to the same DataSetAdapter as of the other table, so that all the requests will be automatically synchronized. If you click the Edit command, the program will open the secondary page that displays the data of the record corresponding to the command.

Listing 20.3 shows the details of the page producer for the program's second page. Again, building the HTML form visually using the Delphi-specific designer (see Figure 20.11) was a very fast operation.

Listing 20.3: AdapterPageProducer Settings for the formview Page
Start example
object AdapterPageProducer: TAdapterPageProducer
  object AdapterForm1: TAdapterForm
    object AdapterErrorList1: TAdapterErrorList
      Adapter = table.DataSetAdapter1
    object AdapterCommandGroup1: TAdapterCommandGroup
      DisplayComponent = AdapterFieldGroup1
      object CmdApply: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'Apply'
        PageName = 'table'
      object CmdCancel: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'Cancel'
        PageName = 'table'
      object CmdDeleteRow: TAdapterActionButton
        ActionName = 'DeleteRow'
        Caption = 'Delete'
        PageName = 'table'
    object AdapterFieldGroup1: TAdapterFieldGroup
      Adapter = table.DataSetAdapter1
      AdapterMode = 'Edit'
      object FldCUST_NO: TAdapterDisplayField
        DisplayWidth = 10
        FieldName = 'CUST_NO'
      object FldCUSTOMER: TAdapterDisplayField
End example
Click To expand
Figure 20.11:  The formview page shown by the WSnapTable example at design time, in the Web Surface Designer (or AdapterPageProducer editor)

In the listing, you can see that all the operations send the user back to the main page and that the AdapterMode is set to Edit, unless there are update errors or conflicts. In this case, the same page is displayed again, with a description of the errors obtained by adding an AdapterErrorList component at the top of the form.

The second page is not published, because selecting it without referring to a specific record would make little sense. To unpublish the page, you comment the corresponding flag in the initialization code. Finally, to make the changes to the database persistent, you can call the ApplyUdpates method in the OnAfterPost and OnAfterDelete events of the ClientDataSet component hosted by the data module.

Another problem (which I haven't fixed) relates to the fact that the SQL server assigns the ID of each customer, so that when you enter a new record, the data in the ClientDataSet and in the database are no longer aligned. This situation can cause Record Not Found errors.

Master/Detail in WebSnap

The DataSetAdapter component has specific support for master/detail relationships between datasets. After you've created the relationship among the datasets, as usual, define an adapter for each dataset and then connect the MasterAdapter property of the detail dataset's adapter. Setting up the master/detail relationship between the adapters makes them work in a more seamless way. For example, when you change the work mode of the master or enter new records, the detail automatically enters into Edit mode or is refreshed.

The WSnapMD example uses a data module to define such a relationship. It includes two ClientDataSet components, each connected to a SQLDataSet through a provider. The data access components each refer to a table, and the ClientDataSet components define a master/detail relationship. The same data module hosts two dataset adapters that refer to the two datasets and again define the master/detail relationship:

object dsaDepartment: TDataSetAdapter
  DataSet = cdsDepartment
object dsaEmployee: TDataSetAdapter
  DataSet = cdsEmployee
  MasterAdapter = dsaDepartment

I originally tried to use a SimpleDataSet component to avoid cluttering the data module, but this approach didn't work. The master/detail portion of the program was correct, but moving from a page to the next or a previous page with the related buttons kept failing. The reason is that if you use a SimpleDataSet, a bug closes the dataset at each interaction, losing the status information.

This WebSnap application's only page has an AdapterPageProducer component hooked to both dataset adapters. The page's form has a field group hooked to the master and a grid connected with the detail. Unlike other examples, I tried to improve the user interface by adding custom attributes for the various elements. I used a gray background, displayed some of the grid borders (HTML grids are often used by Web Surface Designer), centered most of the elements, and added spacing. Notice that I added extra spaces to the button captions to prevent them from being too small. You can see the related code in the following detailed excerpt and the effect in Figure 20.12:

Click To expand
Figure 20.12: The WSnapMD example shows a master/detail structure and has some customized output.
object AdapterPageProducer: TAdapterPageProducer
  object AdapterForm1: TAdapterForm
    Custom = 'Border="1" CellSpacing="0" CellPadding="10" ' +
      'BgColor="Silver" align="center"'
    object AdapterCommandGroup1: TAdapterCommandGroup
      DisplayComponent = AdapterFieldGroup1
      Custom = 'Align="Center"'
      object CmdFirstRow: TAdapterActionButton...
      object CmdPrevRow: TAdapterActionButton...
      object CmdNextRow: TAdapterActionButton...
      object CmdLastRow: TAdapterActionButton...
    object AdapterFieldGroup1: TAdapterFieldGroup
      Custom = 'BgColor="Silver"'
      Adapter = WDataMod.dsaDepartment
      AdapterMode = 'Browse'
    object AdapterGrid1: TAdapterGrid
      TableAttributes.BgColor = 'Silver'
      TableAttributes.CellSpacing = 0
      TableAttributes.CellPadding = 3
      HeadingAttributes.BgColor = 'Gray'
      Adapter = WDataMod.dsaEmployee
      AdapterMode = 'Browse'
      object ColEMP_NO: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColFIRST_NAME: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColLAST_NAME: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColDEPT_NO: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColJOB_CODE: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColJOB_COUNTRY: TAdapterDisplayColumn...
      object ColSALARY: TAdapterDisplayColumn...

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