Table of contents |
Deprecated Delphi Language FeaturesWe will begin by looking at some of the Delphi features that had to be dropped (deprecated) in order to be compatible with the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Then we'll look at new features added (or planned) in Delphi for .NET, which will shape the Delphi language in the near future, possibly also on the Win32 and Linux platforms.
Deprecated Types
Some of Delphi's types will not survive the transition to a managed, virtual execution system. So far, the following types are either known to be deprecated or have uncertain fates:
Pointers Pointers are considered unsafe types by the CLR, and all forms of pointer arithmetic are forbidden. Unsafe means the code cannot be verified for type safety. The final version of the Delphi for .NET compiler may support unsafe, unmanaged pointers, but in the meantime you can use dynamic arrays to get back some of the functionality of the (also deprecated) GetMem, FreeMem, and ReallocMem functions.
Types Based on file of <type> File types based on the old Pascal file of <type> syntax cannot be supported because the compiler has no way to determine the size of a given type on the target platform.
Pre-Delphi Object Syntax The pre-Delphi object syntax has been deprecated and will not be supported in the final release of the compiler. This syntax was introduced back in the Turbo Pascal era and allowed you to declare a new class with the syntax type MyClass = object;. Variables of this type were stack-based, contrary to the heap-based class type objects.
Real48 and Comp These types won't be supported. Real48 type is a 6-byte floating-point type. The Comp type will be replaced by Int64 in the future, as noted in the Delphi 7 Language Reference.
Strings and Other Types
The following types, although not candidates for deprecation, will have changes made to their underlying implementation. These changes are almost transparent, but you can expect slightly different behavior in some circumstances:
Strings In Delphi for .NET, strings map to the CLR type System.String and are wide by default. This means they use 16 bits per character, like the WideString type in Delphi 7. In addition, all characters are wide by default.
Records Records are mapped to value types. Chapter 24, "The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective," talked about the two main categories of types specified by the Common Type System (CTS): reference types and value types. A record will be a value type on the .NET platform. The CLR demands that value types cannot have inheritance, but you can define methods on them (which, of course, is completely new to the Delphi language). Methods defined on value types must be declared as final. (The new final keyword is discussed in "New Delphi Language Features" section.)
TDateTime In Delphi, this type is based on the same implementation as Microsoft's DATE type (see Chapter 2, "The Delphi Language," for more details). The .NET platform uses a different implementation. The System.DateTime structure (a descendant of System.ValueType) measures time from midnight, January 1, 0001 C.E. (Common Era) to 11:59:59 p.m., December 31, 9999 C.E. On this clock, one tick equals 100 nanoseconds. Going forward, Delphi for .NET will transition to the .NET platform standard for measuring time. Date calculations that depend on the floating-point implementation will require your attention when porting to the .NET platform. In particular, if you are using Delphi's Trunc and Frac functions to separate the date and time portions of the floating-point value, then you could be in for some interesting bugs in the future.
Currency Currency will be mapped to the CLR type System.Decimal.
Deprecated Code Features
As is the case with the types listed in the previous section, some Delphi features that have been part of the language a long time cannot be ported to the .NET platform:
Variant Records Variant records with overlapping fields are not supported by the CLR. In general, you can't make any assumptions regarding the layout of fields in a record declaration, because the Just In-Time (JIT) compiler reserves the right to optimize things to suit the underlying platform.
ExitProc Things don't always happen when you'd like them to, or in the order you'd like them to. Such problems with unit initialization and finalization have been overcome (although there are still issues to be aware of, as I discuss later in this chapter), but ExitProc is not supported.
Dynamic Aggregation of Interfaces The CLR doesn't support dynamic aggregation of interfaces using the implements keyword, because it cannot be verified for type safety. A class must declare all interfaces it will implement.
ASM Statements ASM statements and inline assembly language are not supported by the Delphi for .NET Preview compiler. The future of asm in the final version is doubtful. The compiler would have to be able to mix managed IL (Intermediate Language) and unmanaged native CPU instructions, like Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler.
automated Keyword The automated keyword was created to support OLE Automation. It is not needed in the .NET environment. The same is true for the dispid keyword, which is used to dispatch COM Automation methods by number instead of by name. Notice that although they're no longer explicitly required, GUIDs are supported on the .NET platform; they appear as custom attributes on a type.
Direct Memory Access Functions Direct memory access functions like BlockRead, BlockWrite, GetMem, FreeMem, and ReallocMem, as well as Absolute, and Addr, all deal with unmanaged pointers, and so cannot be used with managed, safe code. The @ operator is available in the current Preview version of the compiler (but is not expected to remain in the final version), although you cannot type cast pointers or do any pointer arithmetic.
| Note |
As discussed in Chapter 2, Delphi 7 provides a new set of compiler warnings to help you get ready to port your code. These warnings flag certain features and language constructs that are known to be unsafe on the .NET platform and therefore should be avoided. The warnings are turned off by default for a new Delphi 7 project but are active when you recompile an existing project. You can also turn them on with the {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE ON} compiler directive and similar directives. Refer to Chapter 2 for more details.
Navigation by Letter:
Navigation by Unit:
System, SysUtils, StrUtils, DateUtils, FileCtrl, ConvUtils, StdConvs, Math, Classes, Dialogs, Types, Variants
Navigation by Category:
Compiler directives, Directives, Keywords, Types, Variables, Constants, Functions, Procedures