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Delphi Sources

Как скопировать структуру таблицы

  As we know, Paradox Tables consist in a table file and some corresponding index files
  there are many way to copy them:
    1. Using TBatchMover (at DataAccess Pallete) with Mode : BatCopy
       But you can't copy the tables corresponding index files, TBatchMove just
       copies the structure and data.
    2. Using FileCopy
       But you can't copy the tables corresponding index files automatically,
       you should define each files
    .. and many more

  The Simple way is:

  Put two TTables on your form, name it as tbSource and tbTarget.
  Then, put this procedure under implementation area

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    tbSource: TTable;
    tbTarget: TTable;
    // ...


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  tbSource.TableName := 'Source.DB';
  // The name of your tables which you want to copy from
  tbTarget.TableName := 'Target.DB';
  // The name of your tables which you will to copy to
  // You Can  set the tbSource.DataBaseName to an existing path/Alias
  //   where you store your DB
  // You Can  set the tbTarget.DataBaseName to an existing path/Alias
  //   where you want to store the duplicate DB
  tbSource.StoreDefs := True;
  tbTarget.StoreDefs := True;
  tbTarget.FieldDefs := tbSource.FieldDefs;
  tbTarget.IndexDefs := tbSource.IndexDefs;
  // Actually you can set these code up to only 5 lines :)


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