Delphi Programming Guide
Delphi Programmer 

Menu  Table of contents

Part I - Foundations
  Chapter 1 – Delphi 7 and Its IDE
  Chapter 2 – The Delphi Programming Language
  Chapter 3 – The Run-Time Library
  Chapter 4 – Core Library classes
  Chapter 5 – Visual Controls
  Chapter 6 – Building the User Interface
  Chapter 7 – Working with Forms
Part II - Delphi Object-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 8 – The Architecture of Delphi Applications
  Chapter 9 – Writing Delphi Components
  Chapter 10 – Libraries and Packages
  Chapter 11 – Modeling and OOP Programming (with ModelMaker)
  Chapter 12 – From COM to COM+
Part III - Delphi Database-Oriented Architectures
  Chapter 13 – Delphi's Database Architecture
  Chapter 14 – Client/Server with dbExpress
  Chapter 15 – Working with ADO
  Chapter 16 – Multitier DataSnap Applications
  Chapter 17 – Writing Database Components
  Chapter 18 – Reporting with Rave
Part IV - Delphi, the Internet, and a .NET Preview
  Chapter 19 – Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
  Chapter 20 – Web Programming with WebBroker and WebSnap
  Chapter 21 – Web Programming with IntraWeb
  Chapter 22 – Using XML Technologies
  Chapter 23 – Web Services and SOAP
  Chapter 24 – The Microsoft .NET Architecture from the Delphi Perspective
  Chapter 25 – Delphi for .NET Preview: The Language and the RTL
  Appendix A – Extra Delphi Tools by the Author
  Appendix B – Extra Delphi Tools from Other Sources
  Appendix C – Free Companion Books on Delphi
  List of Figures    
  List of tables    
  List of Listings    
  List of Sidebars  

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A First COM Server

There is no better way to understand COM than to build a simple COM server hosted by a COM server DLL. A library hosting a COM object is indicated in Delphi as an ActiveX library. For this reason, you can begin the development of this project by selecting File ® New ® Other, moving to the ActiveX page, and selecting the ActiveX Library option. Doing so generates a project file I saved as FirstCom among the book demos. Here is its complete source code:

library FirstCom;
{$R *.RES}

The four functions exported by the DLL are required for COM compliance and are used by the system as follows:

  • To access the class factory (DllGetClassObject)

  • To check whether the server has destroyed all its objects and can be unloaded from memory (DllCanUnloadNow)

  • To add or remove information about the server in the Windows Registry (DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer)

You generally don't have to implement these functions, because Delphi provides a default implementation in the ComServ unit. For this reason, in the server code, you only need to export them.

COM Interfaces and Objects

Now that the structure of your COM server is in place, you can begin developing it. The first step is to write the code of the interface you want to implement in the server. Here is the code of a simple interface, which you should add to a separate unit (called NumIntf in the example):

  INumber = interface
    function GetValue: Integer; stdcall;
    procedure SetValue (New: Integer); stdcall;
    procedure Increase; stdcall;

After declaring the custom interface, you can add the object to the server. To accomplish this, you can use the COM Object Wizard (available in the ActiveX page of the File ® New ® Other dialog box). You can see this wizard's dialog box in Figure 12.2. Enter the name of the server's class and a description. I've disabled the generation of the type library (in which case the wizard disables the interface field in Delphi 7, different from what happened in Delphi 6) to avoid introducing too many topics at once. You should also choose an instancing and a threading model, as described in the related sidebar.

Click To expand
Figure 12.2:  The COM Object Wizard

The code generated by the COM Object Wizard is quite simple. The interface contains the definition of the class to fill with methods and data:

  TNumber = class(TComObject, INumber)
      {Declare INumber methods here}

Beside the GUID for the server (saved in the Class_Number constant), there is also code in the initialization section of the unit, which uses most of the options you've set up in the wizard's dialog box:

  TComObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TNumber, Class_Number, 'Number',
    'Number Server', ciMultiInstance, tmApartment);

This code creates an object of the TComObjectFactory class, passing as parameters the global ComServer object, a class reference to the class you've just defined, the GUID for the class, the server name, the server description, and the instancing and threading models you want to use.

The global ComServer object, defined in the ComServ unit, is a manager of the class factories available in the server library. It uses its own ForEachFactory method to look for the class supporting a given COM object request, and it keeps track of the number of allocated objects. As you've already seen, the ComServ unit implements the functions required by the DLL to be a COM library.

Having examined the source code generated by the wizard, you can now complete it by adding to the TNumber class the methods required for implementing the INumber interface and write their code, and you'll have a working COM object in your server.

Initializing the COM Object

If you look at the definition of the TComObject class, you will notice it has a nonvirtual constructor. Actually it has multiple constructors, each calling the virtual Initialize method. For this reason, to set up a COM object properly, you should not define a new constructor (which will never be called), but instead override its Initialize method, as I've done in the TNumber class. Here is the final version of this class:

  TNumber = class(TComObject, INumber)
    fValue: Integer;
    function GetValue: Integer; virtual; stdcall;
    procedure SetValue (New: Integer); virtual; stdcall;
    procedure Increase; virtual; stdcall;
    procedure Initialize; override;
    destructor Destroy; override;

As you can see, I've also overridden the destructor of the class, because I wanted to test the automatic destruction of the COM objects provided by Delphi.

Testing the COM Server

Now that you've finished writing the COM server object, you can register and use it. Compile its code and then use the Run ® Register ActiveX Server menu command in Delphi. You do this to register the server on your own machine, updating the local Registry.

When you distribute this server, you should install it on the client computers. To accomplish this, you could write a REG file to install the server in the Registry. However, this is not the best approach, because the server already includes a function you can activate to register the server. This function can be activated by the Delphi environment, as you've seen, or in a few other ways:

  • You can pass the COM server DLL as a command-line parameter to Microsoft's RegSvr32.exe program, found in the \Windows\System directory.

  • You can use the similar TRegSvr.exe demo program that ships with Delphi. (The compiled version is in the \Bin directory, and its source code is in the \Demos\ActiveX directory.)

  • You can let an installation builder program call the server's registration function.

Having registered the server, you can now turn to the client side of the example. This time, the example is called TestCom, and is stored in a separate directory. The program loads the server DLL through the COM mechanism, thanks to the server information present in the Registry, so it's not necessary for the client to know which directory the server resides in.

The form displayed by this program is similar to the one you used to test some of the DLLs in Chapter 10, "Libraries and Packages." In the client program, you must include the source code file with the interface and redeclare the COM server GUID. The program starts with all the buttons disabled (at design time), and it enables them only after an object has been created. This way, if an exception is raised while creating one of the objects, the buttons related to the object won't be enabled:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // create first object
  Num1 := CreateComObject (Class_Number) as INumber;
  Num1.SetValue (SpinEdit1.Value);
  Label1.Caption := 'Num1: ' + IntToStr (Num1.GetValue);
  Button1.Enabled := True;
  Button2.Enabled := True;
  // create second object
  Num2 := CreateComObject (Class_Number) as INumber;
  Label2.Caption := 'Num2: ' + IntToStr (Num2.GetValue);
  Button3.Enabled := True;
  Button4.Enabled := True;

Notice in particular the call to CreateComObject and the following as cast. The API call starts the COM object-construction mechanism I've already described in detail. This call also dynamically loads the server DLL. The return value is an IUnknown object. This object must be converted to the proper interface type before it is assigned to the Num1 and Num2 fields, which now have the interface type INumber as their data type.


To downcast an interface to the type, always use the as cast, which for interfaces performs a Query-Interface call behind the scenes. Alternatively, you can do a direct QueryInterface or Supports call. In the case of interfaces, the as cast (or a specific function call) is the only way to extract an interface from another interface. Casting an interface pointer to another interface pointer directly is an error—never do it.

The program also has a button (toward the bottom of the form) with an event handler that creates a new COM object used to get the value of the number following 100. To see why I added this method to the example, click the button in the message showing the result. You'll see a second message indicating that the object has been destroyed. This demonstrates that letting an interface variable go out of scope invokes the object's _Release method, decreases the object's reference count, and destroys the object if its reference count reaches zero.

The same thing happens to the other two objects as soon as the program terminates. Even if the program doesn't explicitly do so, the two objects are indeed destroyed, as the message shown by their Destroy destructor clearly demonstrates. This happens because they were declared to be of an interface type, and Delphi will use reference counting for them. By the way, in case you want to destroy a COM object reference with an interface, you cannot call a Free method (interfaces don't have Free) but can assign nil to the interface variable; this causes the removal of the reference and possibly the destruction of the object.

Using Interface Properties

As a further small step, you can extend the example by adding a property to the INumber interface. When you add a property to an interface, you indicate the data type and then the read and write directives. You can have read-only or write-only properties, but the read and write clauses must always refer to a method because interfaces don't hold anything but methods.

Here is the updated interface, which is part of the PropCom example:

  INumberProp = interface
    function GetValue: Integer; stdcall;
    procedure SetValue (New: Integer); stdcall;
    property Value: Integer read GetValue write SetValue;
    procedure Increase; stdcall;

I've given this interface a new name and, even more important, a new interface ID. I could have inherited the new interface type from the previous one, but doing so would have provided no real advantage. COM by itself doesn't support inheritance, and from the perspective of COM, all interfaces are different because they have different interface IDs. Needless to say, in Delphi you can use inheritance to improve the structure of the code of the interfaces and of the server objects implementing them.

In the PropCom example, I've updated the server class declaration by referring to the new interface and providing a new server object ID. The client program (called TestProp) can now use the Value property instead of the SetValue and GetValue methods. Here is a small excerpt from the FormCreate method:

Num1 := CreateComObject (Class_NumPropServer) as INumberProp;
Num1.Value := SpinEdit1.Value;
Label1.Caption := 'Num1: ' + IntToStr (Num1.Value);

The difference between using methods and properties for an interface is only syntactical, because interface properties cannot access private data as Delphi class properties can. By using properties, you can make the code a little more readable.

Calling Virtual Methods

You've built a couple of examples based on COM, but you might still feel uncomfortable with the idea of a program calling methods of objects that are created within a DLL. How is this possible if those methods are not exported by the DLL? The COM server (the DLL) creates an object and returns it to the calling application. By doing this, the DLL creates an object with a virtual method table (VMT). To be more precise, the object has a VMT for its class plus virtual method tables for each of the interfaces it implements.

The main program receives back an interface variable with the virtual method table of the requested interface. This VMT can be used to invoke methods, but also can be used to query for other interfaces supported by the COM object (since the QueryInterface method is available as part of the IUnknown interface VMT).

The main program doesn't need to know the memory address of those methods, because the objects know it, exactly as they do with a polymorphic call. But COM is even more powerful than this: You don't have to know which programming language was used to create the object, provided its VMT follows the standard dictated by COM.


The COM-compatible VMT implies a strange effect. The method names are not important, provided their address is in the proper position in the VMT. This is why you can map a method of an interface to a function implementing it.

To sum things up, COM provides a language-independent binary standard for objects. The objects you share among modules are compiled, and their VMT has a particular structure determined by COM and not by the development environment you've used.

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